Sunday, March 9, 2008

All About Shanna!!

Shanna has never been one to snuggle, but she will give kisses and hugs!

Shanna has quite the personality and I happened to catch a piece of it on camera. I thought everyone would enjoy that!

Shanna loves her daddy! (of course this lasted all of 2 seconds)

Shanna has become really interested in shoes (she definitely got that from her mom!!)

Shanna always has a great time with her Grandpa Merrill! He humors her, and much to Shanna's delight, Grandpa will go where Shanna goes, even into the really small spaces :)

Shanna and Luke are one week apart and they play so well together. One night, while visiting our friends Kent and Marilee, we were all sitting around playing Ticket to Ride and decided it had been really quiet for far too long. (All who have kids know that when a child is too quiet, something mischievous has to be going on!) We found the two playing so nicely in Luke's room at the other end of the apartment. It was so cute!

1 comment:

Kaela said...

Your mom and dad look the SAME!! You guys are so lucky to have your youthful looks!