Sunday, June 22, 2008

The BIG 2-5!

I thought I should say a few nice things about my sweet husband. But only because today he turned the BIG 2-5!!! A quarter of a century, guys...HE'S OLD:) No, I am only kidding. Its not hard to say nice things about him...

  1. He is an amazing father.
  2. He loves my family (even with all of our craziness!)
  3. He is always doing things for me.
  4. He is a hard worker.
  5. He never gives up.
  6. He knows how to calm me down and to help me think clearly :) (An important comes with the red hair!)
  7. He helps make dinner and take care of things around the house while I go to never-ending school.
  8. He is so easy going and always goes along with whatever.
  9. He is so cheerful, even in the wee hours of dawn. (not so fun, but yes..I am still grateful..who wants 2 grumps?!)
  10. He is always optimistic.
  11. He likes to be crazy and weird with me. (Its quite entertaining, let me tell you!)
  12. He is SO handsome.
  13. He is always so sensitive to my feelings.
  14. He is "in touch with his feminine side" now don't go thinking thats a mean thing to say because for all of you women out there that have a hubby of the same sort, it only means that he enjoys similar activities as I do. Whether or not he really does is another matter, at least he puts on a good face :) Am I digging myself in a hole?
  15. He is a worthy priesthood holder.
  16. He reminds us to have family prayer and to read the scriptures together as a family often.
  17. He is always ready and willing to attend church every week.
  18. He magnifies every calling he receives.
  19. He is a good missionary.
  20. He is SO fun.
  21. He is good at what he does (computer programming for those that don't know)
  22. He is a friend to all.
  23. He is not afraid to stand for what he believes in.
  24. He is always leaving little notes around the house for me, and for about 2 years straight he had a little tradition of giving me "Tuesday notes" every week. This all started even before we were engaged.
  25. Did I mention that he is incredibly good looking ;)
I know I made the right decision in marrying him and have enjoyed every minute of our almost 3 years of marriage. He is an amazing father and a wonderful husband who only thinks of others and supports us 100%. I am glad I have him for eternity and I know that the covenants we made in the temple when we were sealed are true and everlasting. And in case you haven't guessed, those are 25 things one for each year of his life! Happy Birthday Eric!!

♫ Daddy's are so special...♫

So I know that this is a bit late but better late than never right?!

Some things I LOVE about my dad:

  • When I was younger (and still today on occasion) he would take me on daddy daughter dates which really meant a lot to me because it made me feel important.
  • Every year on my birthday he would take me out. He did that for all the kids. :)
  • Every year he takes us on vacation! Woohoo :)
  • He has made scripture reading and family prayer an important part of our family and it has become an important part of my family now because of it.
  • He has always been so playful! He would wrestle with us, tickle us, and play any kind of game outside that we wanted.
  • He knows everything!
  • He was an amazing Bishop and is doing fantastic in the stake presidency.
  • He loves to work with the youth in the church and they love him.
  • He is hard working and always fulfilling a to-do list for someone.
  • Recently (and I have yet to post it on worries though, I will post it eventually) my dad took some time out of his busy schedule to help me with a project for Shanna's room. We spent 2 Saturdays making a toy shelf for Shanna's bazillion toys.
  • He is a handy man, and he does most of his own work. For example, he remodeled most of our house. He built the fireplace and designed a countertop for the upstairs bathroom.
My dad is the man :) He has been a friend, a father, and a wonderful grandfather over the years. Fathers are so wonderful. Sometimes I feel like they aren't recognized enough for all the hard work they do providing for the family and all that they do around the house as well as. So here is a shout out for a wonderful father who is constantly striving to make our family what it is!! I love you daddy! Happy Fathers Day...

Sunday, June 8, 2008

♫ Who Stole the Cookie From the Cookie Jar?

♫ Shanna stole the cookie from the cookie jar...:)

We found her like this one day when we weren't paying much attention to her!