Friday, May 8, 2009

Mini's, Mystery Murder's, and Updates...

Lately I have been feeling like my life, however crazy it is, continues to cycle through the same things over and over, until we begin again the following week. Thus my lack of posts. I feel like I should provide you with some exciting new things when I post instead of the monotonous everyday tasks, right? Well, I decided that maybe those things are fun to hear about occasionally. Anyway, before I get away on some tangent, here are a few things that have gone on in our life lately.

Here is Shanna watching a Book of Mormon video, does she not look like a mini teenager lounging around?? HA HA! I thought it was quite amusing!

Below is a few pictures of our Murder Mystery dinner hosted by our ward activities committee. It was really fun. Eric's name was Jay and he was a Beatnik from the 60s, for those of you who don't know what that is, because I didn't when I heard the term, its a guy who is into writing poetry, snaps a lot when he talks, etc. I was a 60s fashion diva (notice the bouffant hair style), not as big as most, but that was because my hair wouldn't go any higher..) My cousin Mindy did my hair. It was a lot of fun and we really got into our characters.

Lastly, below is a picture of me at 14 weeks. Some have requested a photo and despite how silly I feel posting it, here you go...haha!!! I know, I look so enthused don't I?! :) Hope everyone is doing well! Shanna keeps us on our toes and we are constantly amused and amazed at all she learns, from her little cousins and friends, from nursery at church, and just when we think she isn't listening to us! Watch what you say parents :)


Dave, Arielle, Grayson and Ashlynn said...

CONGRATS ON THE PREGNANCY!!!! Can't wait to hear if it is a boy or girl:) Lokks like an awesome date night with the hubby!

Ali said...

ooh, I love your murder mystery hairstyle! So fancy! You look so tiny still too :) can't wait to watch that belly (baby) grow! Thanks for posting a pic.

Annaliese said...

I'm so jealous of your ward murder mystery,that sounds so fun!

Kathleen Allison said...

Aaawwww...what a cute baby bump! I love how Shanna has her leg crossed and it just kickin' back. Give her a kiss for me. Love your guts!!

LoveYaMissYa said...

So adorable all of you. I only wish I could be cute pregnant... I love the baby bump!

April and Jason said...

i didn't know you were pregnant!!! YAy!!! COngrats!!! Cute little "mini teenager" you have too!

Ethatch said...

Cute little baby bump Carissa..congratulations on the new little expectation!
Okay, so you're making me feel old, having to 'explain' what a beatnik is. That is common knowledge in my generation!
Shanna is a cutie there--watching her movie!

Aunt Marge, or really, when I think about it in beatnik years...I'm your great aunt Marge!!! Scarey!

Holly said...

Thanks for the picture. I laughed because you look like "Get it over with"...but it's fun to see you pregnant. The murder mystery game sounds like fun! I think I will suggest that to the committee in my ward.

Kaela said...

Congratulations on your pregnancy!!! I hope you are feeling well- you certainly look great!! Shanna looks so cute and really does like a little teenager sitting like that chair like that. I love your murder mystery get-ups- you guys look great and I love your hair!

Summer said...

how fun! I love murder mystery dinners. That's cool the ward did that. yeah, Shana does look like a teenager lounging like that. cute!