Friday, July 31, 2009

Hellewell Reunion 2009

This is all of the Hellewell's (under Lynn and Linda anyway...) There are 41 of us! and 3 more on the way. Here we are in front of our hotel in Yellowstone national park.

This was the pool we all swam in at our hotel. Funny story actually, most of us got in and there were others at the hotel who were not in our group and would come and look in at the pool hoping to take a swim, but as soon as they saw it completely full of people...they walked away! haha :)

The men helped move the greenhouse for mom and dad Hellewell's garden.

This is Kyle, Eric's oldest nephew who is getting ready to leave on a mission. Isn't it crazy how alike they look!?

Shanna and Cedar (a cousin) braving the Rexburg spray park together!

Shanna and Cadence (another cousin)

Enjoying the falls at Yellowstone park

Old Faithful

It was quite the busy trip we had, but we enjoyed every minute of it! I know you are all thinking, holy pictures girl! However, I had millions more I would have shared too if I could have. Anyway, we are blessed to have such a neat family and to be able to see them at least once a year. Wish it were more, but we are grateful for the times we have been able to share with them!


Sarah and Scott said...

Looks like you guys had a lot of fun. That is a great family picture with everyone in their matching shirts.

sarjuh said...

aw you are such a cute pregnant lady!!

Lisa said...

I personally love the pictures...thanks for sharing! :)

Ali said...

Holy pictures?! I would love more :) Keep them coming! Seems like a great vacation :) Your belly is looking cute cute!

Kathleen Allison said...

OK, is Kyle a nephew or did you mean a brother? Cause no way is he a nephew...more like a long lost younger TWIN bro! That's amazing how much they look alike. And you are sooo cute too, and of course Shanna is a doll. Love your guts!

Erich and Tanis said...

You were only an hour away from my home town! :) Looks like you had fun!

Holly said...

Fun! I love that you could go see so much family! My family went to a reunion in June where they met a LOT of people on my Dad's side that we never knew. He discovered them while he was doing genealogy, and now we have a huge family and they have reunions every two years!

PS. You look so cute pregnant!

The Caywood Family said...

Wow Wow Wow. I can't believe how big that family is getting. I remember when we ran around the neighbor hood causing havoc. That one picture man you would think Eric you were born with a long lost twin. Looks like you guys had lots of fun. Oh and Carrissa you look so cute Prego... Miss you guys

April and Jason said...

looks like fun!!!! You have such a cute little belly!!!

Tofu said...

I love the picture! *wink* Can't wait to see you guys again soon. Christmas?