Monday, July 20, 2009

What a summer!

Ok, so I guess I have a bit of catching up to do. That's my life though, I am afraid! Eric, Shanna, and I have been in Idaho for the last 2 weeks. And what a busy, fun, and exhausting time we had! I will save some of those pictures for the next post however, since this one is already going
to be full! To kick off the summer, lets take a look at my little brother graduating! I know...he's too young right!?

He's quite the stud! :)

Then We took a trip to Leavenworth with Eric's parents and sister and family...

These are Eric's nephews. From Left to right: John, Cody, Kaleb, Kade, (Shanna and I) and Kyle.

Eric's Parents then followed us home to see our house and visit downtown Poulsbo.

Shanna got a lot of attention from Grandma Hellewell!

Finally, after all that...there is more! A few fun pictures I took of Shanna...

We got a complete 4 weeks of sun, sun, sun...Which as some of you from Washington would know, is not a usual occurance! However, it was beautiful...But we had to remember to actually water our plants! Can you believe it?! :)

I picked up a new hobby...Well, I have known how to crochet for awhile but hadn't done it nearly 2 years, so my sweet, extremely talented cousin (in that really a title?? haha... oh well) Anway, most will know her, Marie, helped me relearn this fun skill and... ta da...the product!

Stay tuned for more posts about our trip to Idaho! Sooner than later! :)


Beatrice said...

I love all the pics! The hat you made is so cute! I bet the one you are going to make for the baby will be super cute too. I love the pictures of Shanna!

Ali said...

Adorable hat!! I love it! Shanna is looking so grown up...

And Jared graduating?! What's next on the agenda for him?

Dave, Arielle, Grayson and Ashlynn said...

Wow- that is a Busy Summer- LOVE the adorable pregnant pics- your soo pretty!! Shanna is such a doll- love the Hat you made;)!!!

Holly said...

Wow, it's funny how I only remember your siblings as they were when we were kids and I played at your house. For some reason I forget that they all grow up even though I'm not there to see it. That's neat that Jared is graduated and moving towards adult life. That's one of the most interesting times of life I think.
Shanna looks so cute in those pictures outside--she knows how to pose and smile for a camera =) I'm curious what she thinks about you having a baby, or if she understands what that means. It will be fun to see her as she learns how to be a big sister and help with the baby.

Kaela said...

Jared graduating?!?!?! Bryce is married?!?!?! And you are having your second right along with me?!?!?! I can't believe I ever babysat you guys, but am so glad to be related to all of you!! I just wish we were able to SEE each other more often. I guess until we are able to catch up in person I will just be thankful for blogs:) {{Cute Shanna pictures as always and you and your hubby are adorable as well!}}