Sunday, May 18, 2008

Are you ready?!

My brother-in-law, Phillip recently finished a budget program that he created. If you LOVE budgeting than this program is for you. If you highly dislike budgeting (because we don't say 'hate' in our family) than this program is for you!! Hes made it super easy plus its totally free! YAY! Check it out here:

Also this link is located under My favorite links to the right of the screen. Enjoy!


Ali said...

Wow, that's huge :) Good for him! PS, is that Shannah's picture and quote on the website?? ;)

Holly said...

That looks pretty cool. It looks like what I basically do in my head, but it's probably easier to stick to it if you see it all set out like that. We use Quicken to keep track of our money, and then make up a monthly report of what we spent, and what we estimate to spend next month. Then we compare what we actually spent with what we estimated the previous month and see if we're on track. It's kind of fun, and I like being really organized like that.