Monday, July 21, 2008

A little about me!

So, I was tagged by Kadie in an older post about 3 weeks ago...I know way to go Carrissa, you slowpoke, anyway I am finally going to post about 6 little facts or habits that I have. At first I thought, what is this, a chain mail type of thing that I used to get over email ALL the time. But then after reading a few fellow bloggers and what they wrote about themselves, it was kind of fun to read all of the personal tidbits you don't ever hear about. So, I am jumping on the band wagon and I am going to tell you all a few things. Now, I am not a creative writer like some I absolutely LOVE to read, a shout out to 4 that I enjoy: Ali, Kadie, Marie, and Karla. But of course I do enjoy all that I read, so bear with me!

  1. I am totally and completely afraid of spiders. Now you might be thinking, well duh Carrissa, so are most people, but I am beyond just afraid, I get hysterical and completely embarrass myself by freaking out at the smallest little baby of a spider. I just can't seem to get a grip.
  2. I love gummy bears. However, when I eat them, I have this OCD thing where I have to have an equal amount of colors. If I eat 1 red one and I am left with 2 greens, 2 oranges, 2 yellows, and 1 red, I then have to eat 1 green, 1 orange, and 1 yellow so that there are now 1 of all the colors, make sense?
  3. My favorite color is red. Yeah this might not be the most exciting tidbit you have heard, but it goes further than just a favorite color. I have a red cell phone, a red wallet, my most favorite pair of shoes are red ballets, and my car is red :)
  4. I absolutely LOVE shoes. I have 50 pairs probably and I wear every single one!
  5. I love to scrapbook both digitally (this was inspired by my dear sister-in-law Karla) and conventionally. I am doing Shanna's first year conventionally and Shanna's second year I am doing digitally and I am hoping for a great deal around Christmas time from Winkflash for a hardbound copy of all the pages I have done this year. We will see how long I keep it up! :) I have to say though, my sister-in-law has 3 kids and she does an excellent job at keeping up on her children's lives through scrapbooking!
  6. I am huge fan of being around people. I love people, I love company, and I love talking :) Now to some of you that may seem a tad overwhelming, but I love it, I am definitely an extravert and I enjoy people! :)
Now for those of you who made it this far, congrats! I didn't mean to make this a novel, but it was kind of fun to think about what I like to do! I tag anyone who wants to share something about their life! Go ahead its really fun for those of us reading!


Ali said...

FIFTY pairs? Ok, I am jealous. I love shoes too- but don't have fifty! I feel a little legite in going shopping now! THanks :) I didn't know your favorite color was red either-mine too...well, that or green. It's always a toss-up. But not the two together, although I do still love Christmas :) This was fun to read...thanks :) As far as the tag goes, I did this I think way back in the day, so I'll pass on it again, but I'm so glad YOU did it this time!

Kaela said...

You should try frozen gummy bears- Ali introduced me to those- yum. I am with you on the shoes. I think I may have over fifty, but almost half of mine are flip flops- so they're pretty cheap and very useful in St. George:)

Holly said...

Oh yeah, I forgot how good frozen gummy bears are! That's cool about the digital scrap booking. I don't really know much about it, but it sounded like you can have a real copy made? That'd be really awesome. I wonder what costs more: Printing all the pages of the digital scrap book, or buying all the little doo-dads and paper for the old fashioned way? Anyway have fun with that, and hopefully you don't find any spiders for a long time!

Annaliese said...

I definitely believe the part about shoes. I think I helped clean out your closet when you moved from Bremerton to P.O. and I remember all the shoes

Denise Merrill said...

Yes, and now that she is staying and helping me with my broken knee, she has even been shopping through my shoe closet! I am missing quite a few. We will have to do a "pat down" before she leaves ;)

Summer said...

oh so funny about the gummy bears! I guess it's because I like to do that with m&ms. hahahh

Tofu said...

You and Kayleen and your shoes. :) Of course, I "stole" a couple of your pairs of shoes, so I am happy for your addiction.

It was so fun to learn more about you! How did you ever marry into our introvert family? :) We sure enjoy you people lovers. Makes it easier for the rest of us "anti-social" ones.

I hope you get your scrapbook published before you come again, so I can see it. If I see a great deal at Winkflash, I'll let you know. I did one just about a month ago for $20 again.

MariePhotographie said...

I LOVED reading this! You're so fun, and I'm so excited to hang out tomorrow!

Jessica :) said...

Carrissa, your blog is so cute! (this is Jessica Harwood by the way ... I just set up my own blog and then Dan showed me yours.) I have never heard of digital scrapbooking. How do you do it?

Dave, Arielle, Grayson and Ashlynn said...

I bet you look soo pretty in Red, with your gorgeous red hair:) Kirsten HATES spiders, too:( I share the same love of shoes and people:) Your soo cute:)