Thursday, May 27, 2010

Differences and Similarities

Its been fun and interesting to see the differences between my girls. Shanna was always quick with a smile no matter who you were. Lindey is showing more of a "sober" nature, the kind that looks at you as if looking into your soul, before choosing to smile, or not to. Though she is still quite the little smiler at times! She also was more of a grunter when she first started laughing, this last month her laugh started sounding more like a laugh...Here are a couple of videos.

Same outfits :) (and hair bows)

Shanna 5 months

Lindey 7 months


Jamie said...

SOOOOOO CUTE!!!! The videos make me miss you all TOO much! Its funny how much they look alike in those pictures but at the same time, very different. Lindey looks just like a cabbage patch doll I used to have :D


sarjuh said...

ahhh! They are so cute! love it

Kathleen Allison said...

YES! She totally looks like a Cabbage Patch doll!! Soooo stinking cute. And Jamie's right again, they do look so much a like and yet so different. I miss you so much. Hug and kiss the girlies for me. Love you.

Ali said...

What a doll! She is adorable. Love that giggle!

Jessica :) said...

I love those pictures! I can't believe how they are both in about the same pose. So cute!! I can't wait to see you guys this summer!

Holly said...

Those are such cute picture and video. It's funny how they look so similar, although I see a difference in the eyes between those two pictures. You got some cute little girls! I hope I have at least one girl. =)

Kaela said...

Your little girls are sooooo cute!! Isn't it fun how different each little being is with their own personality!! Your Birch Bay trip looks like it was a blast!!!

LoveYaMissYa said...

She is so adorable! Why haven't I seen her yet... wait because you haven't come to see me yet! When are you going to do that... ;)